- Personal Status: Couldn't sleep all night...tossing & turning over what I'm going to do with work....
- Baby Status: Gave me a little bit of a scare yesterday...felt some pain & discomfort that was new...was worried the baby was distressed for a while...but Jay started googling & we're confident that it was normal stretching & growing for this time in the pregnancy.....Today's actually an incredibly exciting day for us & Baby Nelson....@ 1pm, we have our 20-week ultrasound and hope to discover whether baby is a boy or a girl!
- This Just in.................we found out what our baby is!!! And we're SUPER excited about it!!! I will disclose it on this blog....soon....but waiting till after the Thanksgiving weekend so I can tell a few family members in person!
- Genesis 15-19: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward." Chapter 15, Verse 1
- Matthew 5:21-6:18 After giving us the Beatitudes, Jesus expands on the basic commandments by teaching us how to really love...with regard to Murder Jesus says, "But I tell you the truth that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgement." Chapter 5, Verse 22 About Adultery He says, "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Chapter 5, Verse 28 And this next passage is undoubtedly where the age-old Golden Rule came from..."Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you." Chapter 5, Verses 39-42 This thinking is clearly in opposition to everything we are conditioned by society to believe...again in consideration to our rights...which we hold on to as being what's ultimately important...as long as we have our rights.....but Jesus is saying that as children of God, we are to live as servants.....
- Simple Abundance: Downshifting: Living in Lower Gear Nothing to report today....
- The Love Dare: Love is Not Rude "Good manners express to your spouse, 'I value you enough to excercise some self-control around you. I want to be a person who's a pleasure to be with.'" "People who practice good etiquette tend to raise the respect level of the environment around them." Today I'm meant to ask Jay 3 things that irritate him about me & try to work on them....He'll come up with 3 easy!
- Okay...SO: No surprises with Jay's 3... #1. When I criticize him about his driving #2. When I constantly harass him to play a game with me! #3. When I've convinced him to play a game with me and then complain that he's doing it begrudgingly...his heart isn't really in it....I want him to WANT to play games with me! Ha ,ha! He then made me tell him my top 3 most irritating things about him, which I tried to say wasn't part of this Love Dare....but they were rather enlightening as my first 2 were exactly the same as his..... #1. His driving! and #2. That he never wants to play games with me!!! So we're actually thinking about finding a mutual past-time that I'll enjoy, that won't be pulling teeth for him........wish us luck!
- A Tale of Two Cities: Still working on the first few chapters...
- As of 3:45pm, am now part-way through Book the Second (Entire novel is split into 3 Books...)................
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