- "Coping well enables you to see beyond the circumference of circumstance, so that the Real in the center o fyour daily round is not hidden by happenstance."
- Oooh, a reading about romance! "He knows that I was created in a burst of passion, for romance. So were you." Ha, ha! I don't truly believe that I was created for romance...but I as a woman, do have a yearning for it always!
- This reading from yesterday's date calls us to remember "The romance of living that we let slip away every day because real life forces us into prudence."
- "When you acknowledge your romantic impulses, no matter how implausible or impractical, you strengthen the intimate connection with your authentic self. Connection with those who cherish and love you unconditionally. Connection with those things that fuel your passions, feed your soul, keep you alive."
- "What must you do before you die? Where must you go? What worlds must you conquer?"
Everyday Life is the Prayer
- I love it and take notice when two or more of my daily readings are on the same topic...one of today's Love Dare readings was also on prayer...and ironically enough, or very likely, not ironic at all...Jay & I have been lacking in a real committment to prayer...I find it fairly effortless to pull out the devotion book to read & discuss together or sit down here at my desk and read my Bible & blog about it...but to take time to pray....is more difficult. Sarah says in this reading that she believes women pray in many forms, many of which are not audible...but what I need is a dedication to intentional prayer...
- "In its purest form, prayer is conversation. Communion. Connection. Intimacy."
- ..."instead, by praying you will increase your awareness of it (love)."
- "Women pray because we need to talk to Someone who's really listening." And this last line reminds me of the words of Elizabeth Elliot in "Let Me Be a Woman"..."In order to learn what it means to be a woman, we must start with the One who made her."
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