Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 34: 331 days left…91 books to go!

The Love Dare  Love is accountable
  • "It is crucial that a husband and wife pursue godly advice, healthy friendships, and experienced mentors."  Interesting that today's reading is about accountability...because Jay & I recently picked-up a couples' devotion book and have been going through it together in the mornings....and today's stressed the importance of solid, Christian friends in your life who can not only influence us but the lives of our children down the got us thinking about which of our friends we need to be more intentional about spending time with...You know God's trying to tell you something when He tells you through 2 different sources in one day...
  • "You look for a person who has the kind of marriage you want.  You look for a person whose heart for Christ comes first before everything else.  You look for someone who doesn't live by his or her opinions but by the unchanging Word of God."  That last part hit me hard....someone that doesn't live by their opinions...that is not easy to accomplish in practice....I have a lot of friends with a lot of opinions and I'm one of them!  Really thought-provoking concept..... 

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